Recognizing and Addressing Dominant Behavior in Your Relationship

Dealing with a domineering partner can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. In this article, we will explore the signs of a domineering relationship and provide you with valuable insights and strategies to regain your self-respect and emotional escort in Indirapuram.

Chapter 1: The Early Days of Jen and Sam’s Relationship

In the beginning, Jen and Sam’s relationship was filled with passion and excitement. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and the intensity of their connection was undeniable. However, as we delve deeper into their story, we will see how things took a turn for the worse.

Chapter 2: The Allure of Possessiveness

Sam’s protective and possessive nature initially seemed endearing to Jen. She felt desired and cherished by his unwavering attention. But, as we will discover, there is a fine line between healthy possessiveness and domineering behavior.

Chapter 3: The Honeymoon Phase vs. Reality

When people enter a new relationship, they often overlook their partner’s flaws in the euphoria of love. This chapter will explore the phenomenon of the honeymoon phase and how it can blind us to the warning signs of domineering behavior.

Chapter 4: Navigating the Thin Line

In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the complex dynamics of romantic relationships. We’ll discuss the differences between obsession, possession, infatuation, protection, care, and genuine love. Recognizing where escort in Indirapuram falls on this spectrum is crucial for your well-being.

Chapter 5: When Possession Turns Domineering

While a certain level of possessiveness can be natural and even desirable in a relationship, it can quickly cross into domineering territory. This chapter will explore the emotional abuse that often accompanies domineering behavior and the toll it takes on one’s happiness.

Chapter 6: Signs of a Domineering Partner

It’s essential to recognize the signs of a domineering partner. This chapter will provide a comprehensive list of behaviors that may indicate your partner’s dominance and control, including intimidation, anxiety, caution, and manipulation.

Chapter 7: Understanding the Root Causes

To address a domineering relationship, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes. This chapter will delve into the factors that contribute to a partner’s domineering behavior, including insecurities, past experiences, and personal issues.

Chapter 8: Reclaiming Your Self-Respect

In this chapter, we will discuss strategies and techniques to regain your self-respect and emotional well-being in a domineering relationship. You’ll learn how to set boundaries, communicate effectively, and, if necessary, consider ending the relationship for your mental health.

Chapter 9: The Decision to Walk Away

Sometimes, the best choice for your mental health is to leave a domineering relationship. This chapter will guide you through the process of making that difficult decision and offer support for the challenges that may arise.

Recognizing and addressing domineering behavior in your relationship is essential for your mental and emotional well-being. By understanding the signs, exploring the root causes, and taking action to regain your self-respect, you can move toward healthier and more fulfilling relationships. Remember, your mental health should always be a top priority in any relationship you choose to pursue.

Recognizing if your boyfriend is becoming domineering is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Here are some common behaviors to watch out for:

  1. Snooping Through Your Phone:
    • Initially, curiosity about who is texting or calling you can seem harmless.
    • However, when it escalates to him demanding access to your phone and personal information, it’s a red flag.
    • Take action by setting boundaries and explaining the importance of personal space and privacy.
    • Make it clear that you respect his privacy and expect the same in return.
  2. Becoming a Fashion Police:
    • Your choice of clothing should be a personal decision.
    • If your boyfriend starts dictating what you can and cannot wear, it’s a sign of controlling behavior.
    • Talk to him about your right to express yourself through clothing and that his concern should not infringe on your freedom.
    • If he genuinely cares about your safety, have a conversation about it without compromising your independence.
  3. Isolating You From Friends and Family:
    • A domineering boyfriend may try to limit your interactions with friends and family.
    • They may feel threatened by your close relationships and want to isolate you.
    • Maintain your connections with loved ones and communicate your need for a balanced social life.
    • If he insists on isolation, consider this a serious warning sign.
  4. Monitoring Your Activities:
    • Constantly questioning your whereabouts or demanding to know your plans is a controlling behavior.
    • Explain the importance of trust in a relationship and your right to personal freedom.
    • If his behavior doesn’t change, seek support from friends or a counselor.
  5. Making Decisions Without Your Input:
    • In a healthy relationship, decisions should be made together.
    • If he starts making unilateral decisions that affect both of you without consulting you, it’s a sign of dominance.
    • Express your desire for equal partnership in decision-making.
  6. Manipulating Your Emotions:
    • Domineering partners may use guilt, manipulation, or emotional blackmail to control your actions.
    • Recognize these tactics and assert your boundaries.
    • Seek guidance from a therapist or counselor if manipulation persists.
  7. Belittling or Criticizing You:
    • Constant criticism or belittling comments can erode your self-esteem.
    • Communicate that you deserve respect and support from your partner.
    • If criticism continues, consider seeking professional help.
  8. Threats or Intimidation:
    • Any form of threats, physical or emotional, is unacceptable.
    • If you ever feel physically or emotionally threatened, prioritize your safety and seek help immediately.
  9. Attempts to Control Your Finances:
    • Financial control is a clear sign of dominance.
    • Maintain financial independence and ensure that both partners contribute to financial decisions.

Remember, a healthy relationship is built on trust, respect, and equality. If you notice these warning signs of a domineering boyfriend, address the issues early on, and consider seeking professional help or reaching out to a trusted friend or family member for support. Your well-being and happiness should always be a top priority.


Why many Indian Boys love girls with fair complection?

I understand that this may not be a pleasant topic, but I feel compelled to share my experiences as a dark-skinned girl in India. It’s essential to shed light on the prevailing issue of colorism and its impact on people’s who want to hire escort service in Indirapuram.

  1. Status and Respect: Unfortunately, the notion that fair-skinned people are superior and deserve more respect is still prevalent in our society. Many men refrain from marrying dark-skinned women to avoid disturbing their family’s status and pride by meeting with escort service in Greater Noida.
  2. Society’s Judgment: I have heard hurtful comments at family functions, where people question why someone is marrying a darker woman, even if the difference in skin tone is minimal. This judgment often extends to assumptions about dowry payments.
  3. Partiality in Various Settings: Fair-skinned individuals often receive preferential treatment in workplaces, shopping malls, hotels, and other public places. This bias can be disheartening, especially when experiencing it firsthand.
  4. Representation in Media: The overwhelming majority of models, actors, and lead characters in TV shows, movies, and advertisements are fair-skinned. Dark-skinned individuals rarely get opportunities for lead roles, despite their acting skills.
  5. Marriage Market Prejudices: The marriage market can be cruel to dark-skinned individuals, as some people prioritize fair skin to maintain their societal standing and uphold family standards.
  6. Offensive Advertisements: Some advertisements perpetuate harmful ideas about skin color, promoting products to make individuals fairer, further fueling the stigma associated with dark skin.
  7. Cultural Icons and Perceptions: Even revered figures like Lord Krishna, described as dark-skinned in ancient texts, are often portrayed by fair-skinned actors in modern adaptations.
  8. Personal Humiliation: I have experienced humiliation for wearing bright clothes, as societal norms dictate that dark-skinned people should not draw attention to themselves.
  9. Bias Against Female Children: Female children born with dark skin face immense pressure to lighten their complexion from a young age. The obsession with fairness begins early and affects their self-esteem.
  10. Struggling with Acceptance: Throughout my life, I have encountered various challenges and prejudices related to my skin color. It’s disheartening to witness such deeply ingrained beliefs about beauty and worth.

I want to emphasize that these experiences reflect a systemic issue that needs to be addressed collectively. We must challenge the deeply rooted biases and prejudices related to skin color and promote inclusivity, diversity, and self-acceptance. No individual should be judged or valued based on their appearance, as beauty lies in the richness of our diverse experiences escort service in Ghaziabad.

Everywhere fair skinned people are treated as Devtha say in work places, shopping malls, hotels literally everywhere, given first preference and spl treatments(This is not an exaggeration, have experienced in quiet a few places especially fine dining restaurants particularly in Chennai, not in small shops though.) Models are always fair skinned girls: School dramas, college skits,Tv Shows, serials, movies literally everywhere they are given lead roles and important characters. Pls list out the last Dark skinned lead you saw, I only saw two till now in my life (Two serials where lead is dark skinned , that too because the story itself revolves around it and they should hear all the stupid things about their color, complexion etc), so even if you have exceptional acting skills you will not be a lead in your life when you are dark skinned.

Marriage market kills you if you are dark, One guy told me this when I asked why he rejected me, he said I will not be bearing white children which might hinder his society status and lower their standards among their relatives All kind of stupidity in the name of advertisements. One ad shows you install a bulb which will glow your face(I heard you, I am not crazy its this ad : Bajaj bulb ad, where sister thinks that her dark skinned sister will be sold off to that Potential bride when she is fair skinned , watch it for yourself: Even in Mahabharat, where Lord Krishna who is called as Kaala megha shyamala aka as dark as the rain bearing clouds needs to be played by a very fair skinned hero for people to accept it, yes Dark skin is an inferior thing atleast in this country, where most people want to hire escort service in Vaishali.

On the other hand, I also had a fair-skinned girlfriend who lacked openness and innovation in the bedroom. She was uncomfortable with certain sexual activities and made me feel guilty for exploring our intimacy. Our relationship didn’t last long because we lacked the emotional and physical compatibility needed for a fulfilling partnership.

Attractiveness and Magnetic Energy: The Power of Confidence

Human beings are inherently social creatures, constantly seeking connection and interaction with others. In this quest, certain individuals possess a unique quality that seems to effortlessly draw people toward them—an attractive aura that captivates attention, evokes curiosity, and sparks interest. This magnetic energy is often rooted in the power of confidence. Confidence radiates an unmistakable charm, exuding self-assuredness and a positive mindset that is undeniably appealing. In this essay, we explore the concept of attractiveness and magnetic energy, delving into the various factors that contribute to their existence and impact on interpersonal relationships with escort service in Noida.

  1. The Nature of Magnetic Energy:
    • Magnetic energy is an intangible yet palpable force that emanates from individuals who possess confidence.
    • It is an irresistible quality that captures attention and creates a sense of intrigue and fascination.
    • This energy can be felt in various social settings, ranging from personal relationships to professional environments.

In the realm of human interaction, there exists a powerful yet intangible force known as magnetic energy. This force emanates from individuals who possess confidence, and it has the remarkable ability to captivate attention, evoke intrigue, and create a sense of fascination. Magnetic energy is not limited to specific settings; it can be felt and experienced in various social contexts, be it personal relationships or professional environments. In this essay, we delve into the concept of magnetic energy, exploring its nature, impact, and the role that confidence plays in its manifestation.

  1. The Role of Confidence:
    • Confidence is the key ingredient that ignites the magnetic energy within an individual.
    • It is the belief in one’s abilities, self-assuredness, and a positive mindset that serves as the foundation for attracting others.
    • Confidence enables individuals to project an air of authenticity, assertiveness, and approachability.

Confidence is a key ingredient that ignites the magnetic energy within an individual. It is the belief in one’s abilities, self-assuredness, and a positive mindset that serves as the foundation for attracting others. Confidence enables individuals to project an air of authenticity, assertiveness, and approachability, which are all qualities that contribute to the captivating force of magnetic energy. In this essay, we explore the relationship between confidence and magnetic energy, highlighting how confidence plays a pivotal role in igniting this escort service in Noida.

  1. Self-Assured Body Language:
    • Body language plays a crucial role in projecting confidence and attracting others.
    • Confident individuals exhibit open and relaxed postures, maintaining eye contact, and using assertive gestures.
    • Their body language communicates a sense of ease, approachability, and self-assuredness, which draws others toward them.

When it comes to projecting confidence and attracting others, body language plays a crucial role. Confident individuals understand the significance of non-verbal communication and utilize it to their advantage. Through open and relaxed postures, maintained eye contact, and assertive gestures, they exude a sense of ease, approachability, and self-assuredness. In this section, we explore the power of self-assured body language as a key element of magnetic energy, highlighting how it contributes to the attraction and captivation of others.

  1. Engaging Communication Skills:
    • Effective communication is a vital component of magnetic energy.
    • Confident individuals possess excellent communication skills, engaging others in meaningful conversations.
    • They are attentive listeners, ask thoughtful questions, and contribute to discussions with clarity and assertiveness.
    • This ability to connect through communication fosters a sense of connection and builds rapport.

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and it plays a vital role in the development of magnetic energy. Confident individuals possess excellent communication skills that enable them to engage others in meaningful conversations. They are attentive listeners, ask thoughtful questions, and contribute to discussions with clarity and assertiveness. This ability to connect through communication fosters a sense of connection and builds rapport, enhancing the magnetic energy they radiate. In this section, we delve into the power of effective communication as a key component of magnetic energy.

  1. Positive Mindset and Energy:
    • A positive mindset exudes an infectious energy that attracts others.
    • Confident individuals approach life with optimism, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth.
    • Their positive energy is magnetic, radiating enthusiasm and resilience that inspires and uplifts those around them.
  1. Authenticity and Individuality:
    • The magnetic energy of confidence is amplified when individuals embrace their authenticity and celebrate their unique qualities.
    • Confident individuals are comfortable in their own skin, allowing their genuine selves to shine through.
    • This authenticity creates a sense of trust and transparency, enhancing the attractiveness of their magnetic energy.
  1. Emotional Intelligence:
    • Emotional intelligence is closely tied to magnetic energy and attractiveness.
    • Confident individuals possess a high level of emotional intelligence, allowing them to understand and empathize with others’ emotions.
    • This empathy and emotional connection further enhance their magnetic energy, as they create an environment of understanding and support.
  1. Cultivating Confidence:
    • Confidence is not an innate trait but can be cultivated and developed over time.
    • Personal growth, self-reflection, and challenging oneself to step outside of comfort zones are all essential aspects of building confidence.
    • Seeking support from mentors, practicing self-care, and focusing on personal strengths are strategies that contribute to the development of confidence.
  2. The Impact on Relationships:
    • Magnetic energy and attractiveness have a profound impact on interpersonal relationships.
    • People are naturally drawn to confident individuals, as they create a sense of excitement, inspiration, and emotional connection.
    • The magnetic energy of confidence enhances personal and professional relationships, fostering trust, rapport, and influence.
  3. The Intersection with Personal Development:
  • Building confidence and embracing one’s magnetic energy is not just about attracting others—it is also about personal growth and self-empowerment.
  • Confidence enables individuals to pursue their goals, take risks, and navigate challenges with resilience.
  • By embracing their magnetic energy, individuals can unlock their full potential and live more fulfilling lives.


Attractiveness and magnetic energy are qualities that can be cultivated through the power of confidence. Confidence radiates a captivating aura, drawing others toward the individual who possesses it. The magnetism of confidence stems from self-assured body language, engaging communication skills, a positive mindset, authenticity, emotional intelligence, and personal development. Embracing confidence not only enhances interpersonal relationships but also empowers individuals to embrace their true selves and achieve personal growth. By understanding the nature and impact of attractiveness and magnetic energy, individuals can unlock their own potential and create meaningful connections with others.

How Single Mothers Have the Right to Pursue New Love?

Single mothers always have the fear of passing the same torture and agonies each over again in marriage. But this doesn’t mean they don’t have the right to rearrange their life. However Escort Service In Noida, also it’s time to find someone who’ll fill your life with happiness If you have been staying single for a long. Then are some of the reasons that might change your mind about staying alone

Staying single ever is too tiring

It’s indeed tough to stay single ever, especially after separation. Due to this reason, single maters need to give a chance to themselves. You can not differ that after a certain age, having a mate works as a blessing. Not only you can partake in everything with them but also your mate becomes your supporting pole. Thus, if you need an implicit mate for rearranging your life, also you can register on the stylish milf association spots Dating spots are relatively useful if you want to begin your life with someone new Call Girl In Noida. Either, you’ll have someone who’ll always be there for you.

As a single mama, it’s insolvable to support your family, especially if you have one or further kiddies. From paying electricity bills, buying groceries to supporting kiddies’ education, everything becomes too precious. Still, if you have a mate, effects come easy with Escort Service In Greater Noida.

The reason behind this is working together makes it easy to manage the charges. Above all, you can divide the charges. For illustration, if you pay for the electricity bills, your mate can support your kiddies’ education.

Is there life after the bifurcation? It’s a tough question, especially if you had a serious relationship with the person you loved and watched about. It doesn’t count who initiated the end of the relationship Independent Escort in Greater Noida. It still hurts and bothers me. You see flashbacks in your head that always remind you about your partner. And obviously, it affects your mood, geste and deprives you of energy. How can one handle this and how to move on and start allowing about a new relationship? Let’s try to figure it out.Consequences you may face.

First of all you should know the adversary by sight. There are some Escort Service In Indirapuram you may conceivably face after your bifurcation.

1. Your mind may be full of studies about your partner.

2. One may lose faith in healthy connections.

3. There are some collective musketeers left and you’ll need to handle that as well.

4. Also, there may be some common effects, purchases, presents, etc.

5. And of course all the cerebral consequences, including bad mood, depression, etc.

Men always look for spots for where to find a milf. Also, single maters find it scary for their children to be unhappy. Still, choosing the right mate can make everything joyful.

Remarriage is insolvable for them due to the fear of their kiddies being bullied

When dating a man, it’s necessary to make sure about their geste, especially with kiddies. One of the biggest reasons behind the separation is child bullying. As a result, it’s egregious that single maters would find it delicate to believe in love.

Still, you must believe that not all men are the same. Some authentically hunt for love and the occasion to start a new life. After entering into a relationship With Escort In Aerocity, keep a check on the person’s station, geste, and other whereabouts.

It’ll help you to choose the stylish mate for yourself who’ll understand your enterprises. Also, you’ll be suitable to stay happy and peacefully with him.

Tone- love is necessary if you want to survive and give love to someone different. With once gests and agonies of your marriage, you might feel negative about yourself. Still, it’s vital to understand that the right person will noway question you about Escort In Dwarka. Neither will he get tired of loving you.

Still, also the first step that you must follow is to love yourself If you want to love someone. Without tone- love, it’s tough to handle any relationship. The right person will always help you to love yourself first and also others

Eventually, you have to believe in love. Just because one person treated you poorly doesn’t mean that everyone is the same. It’s pivotal to give yourself the occasion to explore and break down your walls. All you have to do is believe in love and be auspicious about life. However, you’ll surely find out the one, If you believe in the power of love. Once you let the right person enter your life, effects will come easy for Call Girl In Greater Noida. Thus, just like everyone differently, single maters should pursue love. After all, love is a good reason to make your life beautiful and worth enjoying.

Best 11 Golden Rules of Sexual Body Language

Do not ever judge on one thing alone. Sitting with your arms crossed frequently means guarding yourself emotionally and shutting out the other person. Or it means you are indurating cold, Guest Advertisement having a fat day, or have just revealed coffee each over your top! Do not jump to conclusions; instead, look for clusters of behaviour. However, it’s a safe bet you’ve done commodity to irk the hell out of them. If someone has their arms crossed and they are lowering and leaning backwards to produce as important space between the two of you as possible, and their lips are pursed disapprovingly. Utmost body language experts favour The Rule of Four, which means looking for at least four body language signals that say the same thing before concluding.
Changes in body language also speak volumes — if they start the evening by leaning in, resting their chin on their hands and gaping adoringly over at you and finish it by leaning back, hands clasped in front of them like a severe teacher, looking down their nose, you do not need me to tell you that the evening’s not exactly been a roaring success. Keep an eye out for any dramatic changes in body language so you can x any misconstructions. Liquid licks Before you head over, let lots of slaver pool in your mouth ( sorry, far too important information, I know, but I promise to tell you everything!). It can not be too wet for him outside there, so keep some water close by if your mouth gets dry. The more slippery he is, the further enjoyable it’ll feel, according to

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Many women go weak at the knees at the bare sighting of an establishment, veiny forearm. Others can not take their eyes (and hands) off bulging biceps. A man’s arms emblematize power and masculinity, so it’s fitting that the skin there’s thick and needs arm touch. Start by stroking your fingers up the sides of his arms; also, use your whole win once you reach the shoulders to swirl around and massage briefly before running your success down. Make it sexier by lifting his arm and planting your mouth directly into his crest before swirling your lingo around in large circles (yes, it’s stylish to try it right after he is had a shower, but do not be a wimp). He is on top, and you are enjoying a particularly passionate session? Suck the meat on his shoulders-it’s a new twist. STOMACH If running a hand over his six-pack rates over there as one of life’s topmost pleasures, you will be comforted to know that it feels good from his end too. His breadbasket is packed with pleasure points — particularly from his belly button down to the pubic bone. Follow that lovely trail of hair over, stroking smoothly with fingertips or lingo. Place both hands on his stomach and, working from side to side, move the hands in contrary directions, gliding continuously in a backward/ forward stir.

Less-Than-Perfect Sexual Performance
Do not be an idol/ heroine. If you are tone-conscious, Guest advertisements shroud the lights or take your clothes off under the wastes.
Show how important you want them. Sincerity is sexy. Being authentically turned on by someone is the biggest compliment of all. Let them know ( indeed, if their fashion is not perfect) that you are being transferred to heaven simply because it’s their hand/ penis/ lingo touching you.
Do not feel you have to perform like a trick pony.
Working your way through an entire force-ice cell, chocolate sauce, positions an acrobat would have problems with-will only make it look like you are trying too hard. The slightly kinky/ violent stuff can stay a little while. I am not suggesting that you both stick to the missionary position (although it does tend to be the most favoured position for first—time coitus). But, away from not knowing them well enough to dene what is”kinky” and liable to freak them out, what is the rush?
Have a sense of humour. How you manage with a less-than-perfect performance can set the trend for your relationship. Indeed if the coitus is disastrous, if you both laugh it off, snuggle up, and say we will do better coming time.
Resist the appetite to say, “How did I do?‘Remember that good coitus always happens during at least four to six sessions. Try not to horrify it or the relationship (that’s what coming-day phone calls to musketeers are for). Clinch, but not too tightly. There is a massive difference between smoothly draping one of your branches over theirs and clinging to them like they are the last life raft on the Titanic.
Oh, all right, the terminology again It you are, REALLY turned on indeed an avaricious stiff- lingo- hater like me admits this can work. All you do is use your tongue to imitate the endured-for thrusts of your pelvises, Or stay until you’re having intercourse and make your vocabulary and alternate penetration. It’s also helpful to set the pacesubliminally. However, thrust slower with your tongue (If you want him to force pokily with his pelvis. Speed effects up by speeding up your lingo movements.)
How long should the perfect kiss last? The jury’s out on that bone. Statistics show the average kiss lasts around three and a partial twinkle, with only one in six of us claiming kisses of five flashes or further. Men are doubly as likely not to mind if a kiss lasts lower than a nanosecond — and less likely to enjoy one that lasts five twinkles or longer. (Unless it’s extraordinarily voluptuous — which, of course, yours will be after all this training!)
Twice succulent the champagne kiss
All you need is a bottle of bubbly, your mate lying on their reverse, and you straddling them. Take a good quaff of stupefied champagne into your mouth, repel the appetite to swallow. Now, spare over and kiss your mate, letting a bitsy quantum of champagne teardrop into their mouth. Stay until they realize what you are doing and swallow before allowing another teardrop out. The more turned on you get, the bigger the drafts. Indeed more if some overflows down the sides of their mouth-you’ve got the perfect reason to master it up. Only one word of caution with the champagne kiss. It’s largely addicting, making it reasonably easy to get sloshed. Do not forget to take turns being the giver and receiver.

Get A Pleasurable Experience With Noida Escort

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You can now rapidly fulfill the sexual necessities of your heart by using one of our Noida Escort Service. We worships our services since we give the most alluring ladies who will be your sweetheart for your end of the week. It depends on your inclination to have an ally to go through the night with or the whole week. There are many escort women with extraordinary energy levels and a smooth appearance. A lovely face will captivate you, and you’ll not be able to fight the temptation to interface with them. Suppose you’ve been putting off satisfying your objectives. In that case, it’s the ideal second to understand each of your dreams with our dazzling Call girls In Noida who escort you. Regardles of the case, you’re locked in or not, and any male can partake in this chance.

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Real Life as a call girl

What the other girl in my fucking head did during my off hours to get me into these kinds of situations I don’t have a clue but this one was going to be the easiest pay day for me if this dude actually showed up. And you know what? The fucker did! A red Ferrari pulled up in front of the coffee shop. Walking towards it I thought how funny this will this be if it’s a complete coincidence. But it wasn’t. I walked right up to the car and the guy inside didn’t even want to talk or get out. He handed me $300 cash and said to have a good day and sped off down the street in his red Ferrari! God fucking bless DELHI

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I am not entirely sure what took place to get me to the next guy, but it ended up fucking awesome! What girl doesn’t want to go shopping with cold hard cash, and not have to do nothing more than smile and give a fuck you wink in return for it? I showed up at a coffee shop, ocean not to far away. Was told to wait for a red Ferrari. This was total bullshit, but I went with it. How could I possibly be in harms way sitting in public, at a coffee shop and simply waiting for car to pull up to the curb?